(See qualified players below)
Mastering FootGolf is both challenging and exciting. With great admiration and respect, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to the players who have qualified for the Masters 2025. Achieving this milestone through the World Ranking, Regional Rankings, and as National Champions is a testament to your dedication, skill, and the spirit of excellence that defines the very best in FootGolf.
Event Details
An Overview The Masters 2025 is not just a competition but a celebration of FootGolf’s highest standards. This prestigious event will be held within the framework of the English Open, marking a confluence of global talents at the stunning Ashbury Golf Resort in Devon, England. We are excited to welcome you to this exceptional venue from August 21 to 24, 2025. For those eager to explore the location, feel free to visit the official website here: Ashbury Golf Resort.
Competition categories and format The Masters 2025 invites players to compete across four FIFG-recognized categories (Men, Senior Men, Senior Men Plus and Women). With space for 304 athletes, the event features individual Strokeplay as the primary competition format, along with an optional Pairs event for added excitement and camaraderie.
Enhanced experience through Course Design in our commitment to providing an unparalleled competitive experience, the two courses at Ashbury Golf Resort will be meticulously prepared to challenge the skills of our elite players further. Every effort has been made to ensure the course tests every aspect of the game.
Registration Process
Securing Your Spot As we approach this grand event, all qualified players must formalize their participation. Here’s how you can ensure your place among the elites:
• Preparation: Detailed information about the event has been sent to all qualified players via email. Please review this thoroughly to understand the full scope of the event, including competition details, travel arrangements, and accommodation options.
• Registration: FIFG Masters pre-qualified players can register until January 29, 2025, enjoying a 20% discount with a registration fee of £160. General registration will open on January 30, 2025.
The prize credit from the World Tour will be exclusively distributed at the World Masters, emphasizing the significance of this prestigious event. Only pre-qualified players have the honor and opportunity to compete for this prize credit, further elevating the status and competitive spirit of the Masters.
In closing, as we look forward to the convergence of the world’s top FootGolf talents at Ashbury Golf Resort, we are reminded of the spirit of camaraderie, competition, and the relentless pursuit of excellence that defines our community. The Masters 2025 promises to be a landmark event, a gathering of the finest players set against the backdrop of one of England’s most picturesque golf resorts and the enhanced challenge presented by the meticulously prepared course.
To all qualified players, your journey thus far is commendable, but the road to glory extends before you. We await your participation with great anticipation and wish you the best in your preparations.
May the Masters 2025 be a milestone to the enduring spirit of FootGolf, and may it inspire others to reach for the pinnacle of this magnificent sport.
>>> Register Today: https://www.fgaengland.com/fifgmastersenglishopen
Let’s make this a magical experience together!
We wish you all a great game and the best of luck
Aaron Turner | Goksel Aksu | Nicolas Pussini |
Abdul Elkhoja | Gonzalo Novosad | Nienke Spaan |
Agui Alves | Guillermo Collazo | Nikko Detranquilli |
Ahmad Asyraf Ruslan | György Podusil | Nisa Alina Zulkefli |
Ahmad Faizal | Halfdan Roth | Noé Cortiñas Brey |
Ahmad Shukri Bahari | Haruto Kato | Norberto Raggio |
Alain Parage | Hector Avila | Octavio Rodrigues |
Alejandro Marchant | Igor Sturov | Odin Patiño |
Aleksei Gusev | Igor Vitiv | Olindo Mare |
Alessio Galeoni | Jacques Holzer | Osamu Maeda |
Alessio Giamberardini | Jan Holic | Oscar Hundt |
Alexander Alenbring | Jan Kozak | Osman Bayazit Genç |
Alexandre Marau | Jan-Willem Baas | Oswaldo López |
Alexis Bellanger | Jana Horvat | Paolo Tommaso Celebrano |
Andrea Amenabar | Jannet Sánchez | Paul Mullin |
Andrea Chapa | Javier Martin Irigoyen | Pedro Alexandre dos Santos Brito |
Andrej Ivan | Jean-Francois Ducry | Pedro Carvalho |
Andres Bilancieri | Jean-Manuel Sanchez | Pedro Jo‹o Goul‹o Brito |
Andrés Parada | Jeffrey Cottam | Peter Rolli |
Andrew Stratford | Jennifer Broughall | Péter Zsuppán |
Aneta Plotzka | Jens Isaksson | Piero Menor |
Anett Nagy | Jeremy Johnson | Qun Lou |
Ant Brolia | Jeroen Coppens | Rafael Yerena |
Aristea Bezos | Jianjun Yin | Raymond Eriksen |
Arthur Ayral | Jie Zhang | Rebeca Domingo |
Artúr Sipőcz | Jingcheng Zhao | Rebeka Režná |
Arturo Barragan | Jiří Simandl | Richard Chamberlain |
Arturo González Sr. | Jo Reid | Richard Matteoli |
Bart Wojtyla | Joanne Carr | Rina Akutsu |
Béla Lengyel | Joe Donoghue | Robert Cabrera |
Ben Clarke | John Cleary | Robert Cohmanschi |
Bence Bacskai | John Neill | Róbert Tajtyi |
Bilgin Defterli | Jordan Godfrey | Roberto Ghezzi |
Boris Šibila | José Berta | Rodrigo Ballivian |
Borja Calvo | José Bueno | Roman Hercik |
Callum Haig | José Guerra | Ronan Mccormack |
Carlos Calvo | Josef Nemec | Ryan Paisley |
Carlos Portillo | Joshua Gröner | Salvador Naranjo |
Carlos Rodriguez | Jozef Mráz | Samo Marušinec |
Carolina Cabezas Reveco | Juan Manuel Pereyra | Sándor Főfai |
Caroline Schoffit | Juan Manuel Rosas | Sandro Rodriguez Felipe |
Cassiano Pianaro | Julia Kuboi | Saori Kawazoe |
Cédric Bany | Julio Colacci | Scott Keevy |
Cedric Bonnot | Jun Oh Lee | Sean Luigs |
Cesar Diaz | Karl Baker-May | Sebastian Godoy |
Charazed Boussanoune | Katy Smith | Sébastien Dany |
Charlotte Amaury | Kelly Menzies | Sébastien Roth |
Cheng Te Chang | Klaas Wijers | Selçuk Çolpan |
Chloé Orsini | Klaudia Nemcova | Sergio Perelman |
Christophe Baeten | Kostas Krokos | Sergio Toth |
Christophe Keuleers | Kristy Horton | Sergio Vazquez |
Christopher Buaillon | Laura Rolli | Sergio Zorniotti |
Claire Williams | Laura Thomson | Shahril Arsat |
Claudia Rios | Laurent Guenaire | Shannon Knott |
Colin Murray | Leilani Tedeski | Silvia Zahradnickova |
Cristian Javier Fernandez | Lenka Kosova | Silvina Lopez |
Cristián Vicuña | Leon Šuntner | Simon Rigaud |
Cristina Manase | Leonardo Monteleone | Sinwoo Bae |
Csaba Csőre | Luca Sartor | Slawomir Przybysz |
Damian Popovich | Luca Shelesky | Sofia Morales |
Daniel Moguel | Lucas Correa | Sofie Magnusson |
Daniel Prieri | Lucas Loustau | Stefano Cavi |
Daniel Zimer | Lucia Cermáková | Stein Tengs Arnestad |
Danilo Pereyra | Luke Bambach | Stephen Grant |
Daphne Stienstra | Marco Panero | Stephen Senyard |
David Aerts | Marcos Damian Ghezzi | Steven Sui |
David Andler | Marcos Krupa | Susanne Berg |
David Cameron | Marek Lewandowski | Susumu Arai |
David Mancino | Marek Vittek | Svetlana Selezneva |
David Schmitt | Maria Elena D'Este | Syamsuar Mohd Sachari |
Delfina Piovani | María Guadalupe Ibellez Quiroz | Takeshi Aoki |
Derek Mills | Mariano Raggio | Takeshi Tanaka |
Deryn Knott | Mario Calderon | Takuya Kumakura |
Dick de Haan | Marit Schaap | Talfik Rayyan |
Diego Curiel | Mark Eaglestone | Telmo Matos |
Diego Murua | Marta Noronha | Thomas Felix |
Diego Nuñez | Martin Galajda | Thomas Samons |
Dóra Kuchta | Martin Šimončič | Tiffany Suss |
Ederson Trevisol | Marzi Omar | Tiphaine Sturtz |
Enrique García | Masayuki Takamura | Tommy Martinez |
Enrique Reyes | Matias Perrone | Tsubasa Yasumura |
Eric Dyrdol | Matjaž Damiš | Uroš Krajnc |
Eric Hanss | Matthew Przybysz | Vagner Machado |
Eric Jan Hogenboom | Mattia Zerbini | Víctor Macías |
Eunlee Shin | Matus Vido | Viliam Mozolák |
Evgeniy Levchenko | Maud Slechten | Vincent Huber |
Fabrice Lefevre | Max Baker | Vincent Mcguire |
Fenghua Tang | Max Dybok | Vladimir Koval |
Fernando Gimenez | Mélanie Vilmercati | Vuyiswa Ntombela |
Fernando Gvirtz | Michael Carozzi | Weidong Yuan |
Fernando Lago | Michael Eardley | Weiping Dong |
Fernando Mentasti | Michael Gora | William Morrison |
Fernando Roman | Michaela Hill | Xiaolong Zhang |
Frederic Crevon | Michal Dian | Ximena Richardson |
Gábor Simonyi | Mihael Wajs | Yang Wang |
Gabriel Alonso García | Milan Hanousek | Yannick Beyer |
Gabrielle Dias Ferreira Gimenez | Milan Kristovic | Yerko Guerra |
Gael Patard | Mohd Yusof Nordin | Yolanda Benitez |
Gaëtan Poirier | Mpho Mbele | Yoshiteru Fujiwara |
Gaspar Maschio | Muhammad Zul Hilmi Mohd Zaki | Yuji Kurihara |
Gaston Hernandez | Murilo Dambroso | Yusuke Iwama |
German Lavallen | Mustafa Kursat Asardag | Yusuke Kawazoe |
German Szister | Nahun Flores | Yusz Zainal Abidin |
Giovanni Anzisi | Naoko Miura | Zafer Altınok |
Giovanni Machì | Nathan Shuey | Zaireen Ahmad Zahudi |
Gisela Zavala | Nick Reynolds | Zhen Wang |
Giuliano Natale Geti | Nick Wallace | Zhiyong Cao |
Giuseppe Perruzza | Niclas Nyberg | Zhong Sun |
Glyn Cooke | Nicola Hogarty |